Insurance Test Drive



Bader Technologies, Inc.

2045 Westgate Drive

Suite B-1

Bethlehem, PA 18017





First, we recommend that you have a recent version of Internet Explorer.  If you do not, you can click here to download and install the latest software.  Depending on your organization, you may want to contact your technical support staff and have them do this for you.

We also recommend that you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader; you can download it from this screen by clicking on the “Get Adobe Acrobat” icon on the left side of the screen.  Follow the instructions for installing Acrobat Reader.  Once you have completed the installation, you may continue.  Again, you may want to allow your technical support staff to do this as well.

Now, Click here to print this screen. Have the printout in front of you for the next step.  The instructions below will walk you through real-life examples.

Click here to enter the site as an Insurance Agency.

The first thing you will see on our site will be the “What’s New” page. This page will inform you of any changes, updates or relevant news about our site. You will see the “What’s New” page only when we have new information to pass on to you. If you don't see the "What's New" page it means you or someone else has viewed it already.  To view it again, just click the "What's New" link on the top right side of the screen.

Press “Continue” on the bottom of the "What's New" page.

You are now at the “Insurance Search” screen. This screen is designed specifically for insurance agencies. You are now ready to quickly access the information you are looking for.  Below are some examples for you to try.

Example 1:  An insured “Faith Samuels” has just purchased a new vehicle. The dealership needs proof of insurance and will not accept an insurance ID card.

Solution: On the “Insurance Search” screen enter “Samuels” in the “Insured’s Name” field and press the “Search” button. You will see the results of the search displayed.  On the line “SAMUELS, FAITH” click “Open”. This will open the folder showing Faith’s policies as well as her Account Billing folder.  Click “Open” on the third line to open Faith’s auto policy. You will be presented with a list of folders for her auto policy. Click “Open” on the second line to open Declarations. The first line “ADQ 02/09/01” is an Additional Driver’s Questionnaire. The second line “N 02/03/04” is a New Declaration. Click “Show Me” to view either of these documents. The documents will be displayed in Adobe Acrobat. On the Adobe Acrobat tool bar you can click on the printer icon to print these documents. Press the x icon in the upper right corner to close present document.

Example 2:  An insured is refinancing their mortgage and needs a Dec sheet sent to the mortgage company.

Solution: If you are not at the “Insurance Search” screen you can click on “Home” (upper right next to “Learn More”).  You are now at the Insurance Search Screen. Here you will search by policy number. Make sure to clear the fields from the last search by clicking on “Clear”. Enter “Q501503022” in the “Policy Number” field and click  “Search”. The results will be displayed. Click “Open” to the far right of the policy folder.  A list of folders for that policy will be displayed. Click “Open” to the far right on the line which contains the “Declarations” folder. A list of documents for that folder will be displayed. The first line “N 02/04/04” is a New Declaration. The second line “E 02/08/04” is an Endorsement. Click “Show Me” to view either of these documents. The Documents will be displayed in Adobe Acrobat. Again, you can click on the printer icon on the Adobe Acrobat tool bar to print these documents. Press the x icon in the upper right corner to close present document.

More .... Now that you are familiar with some of the basics, go back to the “Insurance Search” screen by clicking “Home” (next to “Learn More”). You are now at the Insurance Search Screen. Click on the big yellow question mark in the top right corner of the “Insurance Search” screen.  The “Insurance Search Help” screen will appear. This help screen will show you how to perform additional types of searches.  Here are a few insured names and policy numbers for you to try: “Urie E. Leach”, “Alan Meltzer”, “Ollie M. Redner”, Q541304005, Q012104007 and Q011005018.

Note: Each screen in ObjectBaseX™ has a built in help facility. To access help from any screen, just click on the big yellow question mark in the top right corner of that screen.

You can improve the usability of the system further by choosing the right hardware and by making a few simple changes to the Adobe Acrobat default settings.  To see a list of recommended settings and instructions for changing them, click here.

Have any Questions? Press “Contact Us” in the upper right corner and send us an email or give us a call!