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ObjectBaseX™ is easy to use
As we have developed ObjectBaseX we have worked with existing ObjectBase users and with new customers--and people in all kinds of organizations find ObjectBaseX extremely easy to use. That said, one of the great myths of the computer business is that any software is "intuitive." We're committed to helping you and your colleagues learn how to take advantage of all that ObjectBaseX has to offer.

ObjectBaseX™ is flexible
It can be used in its native form without any customization, or it can be tailored to meet your specific needs. We provide everything from customizing a search screen to make it easy for you and your staff to quickly access your data through total integration with your existing systems.

Now, enough about us, let's move on to a demonstration of what ObjectBaseX can do for you.
We have several versions of ObjectBaseX already designed for the Insurance Industry, Medical Records Management, and many others.

Please feel free to try as many, or all of the available demonstrations. When you are done, call us for more details on how you can be an ObjectBaseX subscriber.

Click on one of the following links and you will be guided through an Industry-specific demonstration.

Insurance Records Management - In use by several large insurance companies as well as over a thousand insurance agencies.

Medical Records Management - ObjectBase MRS™ is currently in use by a number of major hospitals.

Human Resources Records Management - The ideal solution for a wide range of Human Resources needs.